Step into the bliss

                               "Before you loose cool, meditate as a rule"

When was the last time you guys actually felt  blissful for merely existing? It won't be surprising if you fail to recall simply because we live in a place where "we live less and stress more", we love less and judge more .The world of today has pushed us into believing stress  is normal and anxiety is epidemic. Lets hit the pause button for a second and retreat ourselves. It is as simple as closing our eyes and resting our minds.
From the times unknown our culture always preached and practiced this stress relieving, calming technique called meditation . somewhere in this rat race and pushing ourselves we seem to have forgotten. Lets go down the memory lane and discover the perks of this holistic approach.
we have often heard  "Healthy mind in a healthy body and vice versa.
Our mind is a powerful tool and we attract  what we think .
Meditation helps us to steer clear of negative thoughts and bring positivism .It  rejuvenates  our creativity and balances our mind , body and soul. It is mandatory for students to devote themselves for few minutes of the day.
Not only will it help them to increase their concentration levels and retention abilities, it will pump them up with energy as well.
Now let us take a look at how can we do this  in the vicinity of our own surroundings.

1. Sit or lie comfortably
2. Close your eyes
3.Focus on your breathing without controlling it. Maintain your regular pace.
4.Focus on the movement of the body . Let the thoughts flow and repeat the entire process again.

So next time when you have the urge to hit  that big guy and you refrain, thank the meditation. When your friends complain of your radiant glow you know who deserve the credit.
Article by - Aprajita Singh
Model - Subhrajit barua
Photography by - Prosenjit Bhowmick
